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published on Dec. 7, 2016 12am

The violent ways of Cariol Horne’s antagonist, Buffalo police officer Greg Kwiatowski, have finally caught up with him.

published on Jan. 15, 2019 8pm

For decades, Barr has been a fixture and a force in her neighborhood, fighting for its residents.

published on Sep. 25, 2015 10am

Each week Buffalo lifestyle brand Rise Collaborative scour Instagram for their favorite locally sourced images. To submit your Instagram photo use the hashtag #FFRisePublic.

published on Mar. 29, 2017 12am

Albany invests billions in job-creation programs. Investigative Post, ProPublica, and Columbia’s journalism school examine the results.

published on Jun. 30, 2015 5pm

Are “persistently failing” schools failing the state, or is the state failing the schools?

published on Dec. 23, 2014 10pm

A plea to Santa to bring the kids here to enjoy all our region’s shiny new things…

published on Mar. 3, 2015 4pm

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech for the US Congress is all politics—the bad kind of politics.

published on Apr. 28, 2015 11pm

How “growth” masks a sad shift toward the rentier class.

published on Aug. 24, 2016 12am

Rising student debt is a particular problem for poor and minority communities—and a general threat to our society.

published on Oct. 24, 2017 8am

I don’t scare easily. When I was a child, horror movies were my favorite to watch. I would rent them year-round. As time has gone on, it takes more to scare me. I do not think I have ever been more scared than I was when I was a kid, discovering horror movies.
