Like Minority House Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD), I’m old enough to remember the Republicans and the “Tea Party” demagoguing “what’s in the bill”, and “have you... |
It’s well past time we reconsidered despoiling the National Anthem by featuring it at sporting events. |
The Buffalo News fails its ethical responsibility with tone-deaf reporting on O. J. Simpson. |
Let’s also interview Jerry Sandusky about football things, and completely ignore the child rape. |
Via Facebook
On February 14th, an expelled student returned to his Florida high school, pulled the fire alarm, and started shooting. |
Photo by David Goehring, via Creative Commons.
“New York is one of the worst states in the union for voter suppression, but it’s supposed to be one of the most liberal.” |
“Putting Children and Families First to Ensure High Academic Achievement for All”—the motto of the Buffalo Public Schools. |
Last week in a shopping area of Salisbury, Sergei Skrip |