more by Bruce Fisher
published on Nov. 17, 2015 8pm
The shameless local developer class snarks at the Erie County executive for daring to ask for accountability in exchange for tax breaks.
published on Nov. 11, 2015 9am
The business class in the Rust Belt should wake up to the threat that a Republican victory poses.
published on Nov. 4, 2015 12am
It may be risky, and the bidding may have been rigged, but SolarCity promises what the region needs most: jobs.
published on Oct. 14, 2015 1am
While the GOP looks in vain for discipline and a resonant message, Democrats like Poloncarz and Clinton coast toward election.
published on Sep. 30, 2015 12am
Measuring the economic impact of the arts in shrinking Rust Belt metros is an easy chore. And the news is good.
published on Sep. 25, 2015 9am
New poll numbers from Quinnipiac and Bloomberg demonstrate Clinton campaign’s troubles.
published on Sep. 24, 2015 9am
Climate-change activists rally at 5pm today in Niagara Square to make the connection Pope Francis has made between economic justice and environmental stewardship.
published on Sep. 16, 2015 11am
The Republican candidate’s proposal to change the sales tax distribution is a political gesture, which we contextualize and parse.
published on Sep. 8, 2015 11pm
The economic benefits of clean water are manifest—so where’s the political will?
published on Sep. 1, 2015 11pm
Hillary’s has a month to fix her image and Bernie’s support is thin—which is why Joe should run.