more by Shane Meyer
published on Feb. 3, 2015 12pm
The latest Buffalo Board of Education meeting turned out to be a tease. The BOE was scheduled to vote on the turnaround plans for Lafayette, MLK, East, and Bennett, but instead delayed the vote until February 11 (5:30pm at PS 95 Waterfront Elementary).
published on Jan. 27, 2015 8pm
Everyone likes to say, “It’s all about the children.” Nonsense. It’s about the adults making decisions about schools.
published on Jan. 20, 2015 9pm
At Waterfront School meeting, parents lash out at Buffalo Board of Education.
published on Jan. 12, 2015 12am
The DPCC claims they represent all Buffalo parents. That’s simply not the case.
published on Jan. 11, 2015 11pm
NYT Editorial in praise of Cuomo’s education plan gets it all wrong.
published on Jan. 5, 2015 11am
At the Buffalo History Museum, Cuomo used his second inaugural speech to advocate greater state control of local school systems.
published on Jan. 2, 2015 12pm
Parents, teachers, and students protested Governor Cuomo’s inaugural address on New Year’s Day.
published on Dec. 15, 2014 10am
The purpose of an editorial is to come down on one side of a pressing issue. Our daily newspaper did just that this weekend…
published on Dec. 9, 2014 11pm
The plan includes longer hours and new programs. How will it compare to charter school proposals?
published on Dec. 3, 2014 1am
Dana Goldstein’s book charts the history of America’s “most embattled profession.”