more by Jeannette Chin
[ELECTRONIC/DANCE] Nosaj Thing and Com Truise come from varying ends of the electronic music spectrum.
[INDIE] If you had sepia vision and were to extract as many kinds of sounds from your pedals as there are cloud formations—while riding a merry-go-round—you very well might end up with music not so dissimilar to Klozapin’s.
[EMO] Side swept bangs, studded belts, the grudge-esque eyeliner in the prime of your youth—this Saturday head down to Milkie’s and relive it all ov
[ART] Anyone interested in works which explore recovery as it relates to psychological trauma should head down to the 5th floor of the Tri-Main Center this
[ELECTRONIC/DANCE] With Jae Matthews channeling hypnotic vocal musings and Augustus Muller conjuring beats and synth stabs worthy of an 1980’s techno underworld, Boyharsher delivers the sort of gothy synth pop that reels listeners into a dance-...
[INDIE] Rochester’s Scope & Figure finish out the year with a Buffalo date before going on hiatus to finish a new record to follow this year’s Exemplary Sports Magic EP.