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published on Jun. 11, 2015 5am

My true love gave to me, 10 Campaign Consultants

published on Apr. 19, 2017 7am

Tuesday morning, the Buffalo News reported that three members of a disgraced faction of nominal Democrats would be facing felony election law charges to be announced in a Buffalo courtroom today.

published on Nov. 21, 2018 3am

With guilty pleas from two of his gang, Steve Pigeon’s political operation may finally be finished.

published on May. 5, 2016 9am

Preetsmas is the Reason for the Season

published on Jun. 4, 2015 6am

The accidental story of how they got caught, and how 2013 was different for Pigeon.

published on Apr. 10, 2019 5am

Dear Sir, Thank you for your transmittal of April 8th. The “bad old ways” were the times when a former Democratic chairman —  deposed for being a divisive failure — undertook a well-funded, two-decades-long political jihad to systemically weaken the party committee he hoped again to run, and scorched Democrats who were trying to better their communities.

published on Jun. 15, 2015 9am

It’s been just over two weeks since we first celebrated Preetsmas, and here are the posts we’ve done so far: 

published on Jul. 9, 2015 9pm

The Green Party doesn’t play the electoral fusion game, so major party candidates decided they’d do it for them.

published on Jun. 4, 2015 2pm

Pigeoning: pi·geon·ing \ˈpi-jən-iŋ\: (n) the action of using money and influence, oftentimes pushing the election law envelope, to actively sabotage and undermine the Erie County Democratic Committee

published on Dec. 28, 2015 5pm

Are your stockings still hung by the chimney with care? Preetsmas isn’t over. Here’s a recap of what we did so far: 
