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published on Mar. 17, 2018 3pm

The Department of Energy and the NYS Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) will hold public scoping hearings about the West Valley Nuclear Waste site decommissioning process March 19, 20, and 21 in three seperate locations.

published on Jun. 12, 2015 11am

Taking a hard, skeptical look at the EPA’s recent blessing of the fracking industry.

published on Jun. 7, 2017 12am

AFTER PREET, LE DELUGE: After President Donald Trump fired US Attorney Preet Bharara, who had developed a reputation as the “Sheriff of Albany,” state lawmakers must have breathed a sigh of relief.

published on May. 25, 2016 12am

10 places to hike or stroll along area waterways.

published on Feb. 12, 2016 11am

On the crisis in Flint, and the role of government and labor.

published on Dec. 12, 2017 12pm

An interview with Kim Saben, leader of Buffalo’s “party band with a marching problem.”

published on Jan. 27, 2015 7pm

ECHDC has promised a “new” plan for the Outer Harbor—but expect more of the same.

published on Apr. 5, 2016 1pm

A brief report from last month’s convoy of bottled water trucked to Flint by local organized labor.

published on Jul. 5, 2018 9am

The revolving door that leads government overseers to the industries they are mean to monitor keeps turning and turning…

published on Jul. 24, 2015 11am

New news on climate change is not good news. Can we fix our future?
