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published on Oct. 27, 2015 4pm

County Executive challenger Ray Walter drives point home about poor condition of county’s roads.

published on Apr. 17, 2018 6am

Just around lunchtime Monday, the Buffalo News’ political columnist, Bob McCarthy, tweeted this: 

published on Jun. 19, 2018 11am

Former Syracuse mayor Stephanie Miner will run for governor of New York as an independent candidate. That’s an up for some, a down for others.

published on Oct. 18, 2018 4pm

Local GOP leaders would love a large and loud presence of protestors. Don’t give it to them.

published on May. 31, 2017 7am

Kathy Griffin, best known for directing homo jokes at Anderson Cooper every New Year’s Eve, and who plays club dates most of the remainder of the year, is a comedian about whom few people think. An image of her holding a fake severed head of Donald Trump caused a furore yesterday.

published on Nov. 28, 2017 4pm

The Public Record: The Democratic Dominoes Who will be the next chair of the Erie County Legislature, and other political notes

published on Aug. 5, 2015 9am

“On the gravesite of the old economy, where Republic Steel stood, now rises, literally, a beautiful monument to Buffalo’s future,” Cuomo said.

published on Jun. 29, 2016 6pm

Unc Steve, how’d you do with the Gov???? - former Supreme Court Justice John Michalek asking G. Steven Pigeon about his efforts to help Michalek ascend to the Appellate Division, 4th Department

published on Sep. 6, 2015 9am

Gloves have come off in the usually staid race for Family Court Judge.

published on Sep. 13, 2015 10am

It’s been weeks — months — since we last checked in on Preetsmas.
