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Julia Wald: Opening Reception 2/7: 7pm Dreamland, 387 Franklin St.
More event info here.
Buffalo News reporter Tiffany Lankes tweeted this capture from Wednesday night’s Buffalo Board of Education.
We at The Public have been focusing on the tumultuous crossroads that the Board of Education is facing.
A PIE-EYED NIGHT WITH PEGGY O’NEIL is the latest installment in a Buffalo Historical Fiction book series illustrated by Mickey Harmon.
[SCREENING] A panel of speakers including Geoff Kelly, editor, The Public, Howard Zemsky, managing partner of Larkin Development Group, and Buffalo State Professor Joelle LeClaire will discuss the financial services industry with the backdrop of the film classic It
Read the story here.
The Larkin Power House, 635 Seneca Street, is one of the iconic factory buildings of what architectural historian Reyner Banham called Buffalo’s “Golden Age” of industrial architecture between 1895 and 1925.