more by Jay Burney
published on Sep. 27, 2015 8am
Today’s video features scenes from this past Thursday’s rally “Rise up for Climate Justice” rally at Buffalo’s Niagara Square.
published on Sep. 24, 2015 12pm
An analysis of Pope Francis’s Encyclical and the rally Rise-up For Climate Justice at Niagara Square, today.
published on Sep. 21, 2015 9am
Rally for Climate Justice Niagara Square 5pm Thursday September 26, 2015. Everyone Invited.
published on Sep. 20, 2015 7am
This week’s video features a few varieties of local, resident, and/or migrating fall damselflies and dragonflies.
published on Sep. 17, 2015 7pm
Guest article by Buffalo’s Anne Peterman on the recently concluded UN World Forestry Council meetings in Durban South Africa which are helping to set the table for the UN Paris Climate Conference (COP21) in December
published on Sep. 4, 2015 8am
A new proposal to create a national marine sanctuary in portions of lakes Erie and Ontario, and the Niagara River is evolving.
published on Aug. 31, 2015 10am
We may already be weiners! New talk about privatizing Great Lakes water resources needs a critical look before someone steals our future.
published on Aug. 30, 2015 9am
Today’s video profiles a couple of species of local butterflies and one spectacular moth, known as the hummingbird moth.
published on Aug. 28, 2015 11am
Come and participate in the Eastern Monarch Butterfly Farm’s Monarch butterfly release at the Clarence Hollow Farmers Market, Saturda