Today’s video shows barn swallows at Times Beach in a feeding frenzy.
At the podium during the 7/16 press conference welcoming film director Fred Olen Ray back to Buffalo are: (l. to r.) line producer Gerald Webb, Olen Ray (holding a City of Buffalo gift basket presented by Mayor Brown, and Mayor Byron Brown. Not pictured: Tim Clark, Buffalo Niagara Film Commissioner. Photo: Nancy J. Parisi
Now that summer is pretty much half over, that list of things you were going to do may be pressing on you.
Photos counterclockwise from top left: Ferry stop sign at Canalside; Queen City Bike Ferry Captain Greg Doxtater; the view from mid-ferry; first mate Leah Voit tying off. Photos: Nancy J. Parisi
Traversing the Buffalo River daily, a distance at that discreet bend of about two football fields, Queen City Bike Ferry is a welcomed niche-filler on the...