more by Alan Bedenko
Longtime readers may recall in that in late 2011 / early 2012, I had a habit of mocking Janice Okun’s Buffalo News restaurant reviews.
I’ll have more to say later about this past week’s descent into anti-refugee, anti-immigrant hysteria - from what the Erie County Legislature did on Thursday to Donald Trump’s descent into registration of Muslims already in the country, echoing the Nazi precursor to the Shoah.
Who said what? Can you tell which statements are from the Daesh claim of responsibility for last week’s Paris attacks, and which statements are from “Christian” pastor Steven Anderson?
Just a few convenient days after his election as Supreme Court Justice, outgoing District Attorney Frank Sedita issued an unusual statement explaining that his office was not going to prosecute Patrick Kane for alle
Mark Poloncarz cruised to an overwhelming victory last night, defeating Assemblyman Ray Walter 65% — 34%. As a karmic aside, Poloncarz accomplished what Chris Collins couldn’t — re-election to that post.