
Work from Zack Boehler's Together We Can Carry the Weight (click to view entire piece).

First Friday

[ART] Appreciators of local art talent have a chance to stock their larders full of food for the winter ahead this weekend, with an explosion of art openings beginning on Thursday on Niagara Street. The BT&C Gallery will open a show of wallpaper prototypes based on each year of the 1970s while across the street, Sugar City is putting on an exhibition of visual poetry. Friday brings the ambitious project of Zack Boehler’s called Together We Can Carry the Weight, an interactive piece that incorporates physical objects as metaphors for burdens we all carry, some far heavier than others. Further downtown, new shows are opening at the Benjaman Gallery (Charles Burchfield, Alberto Rey, Robert and Jeanette Blair, Ray Bonilla and Tricia Butski), El Buen Amigo (Alexander Mathias Koszi and Lisa Mission), and at ¡Buen Vivir! an artist talk on Orin Langelle’s topical photographs of the 1972 and 2004 Republican and Democratic national conventions happens at 7pm. 


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