
David Liebe Hart

[WEIRD] Just behind the flesh and bone material that makes up David Liebe Hart’s gigantic pulsating forehead, there sits a powerful control center of insider knowledge into all things supernatural. His talent manifests itself in such a varied array of forms that even his most devoted followers cannot anticipate which mode of telepathic laughter will be served and enjoyed in this Thursday’s live personal encounter at Mohawk Place with the visionary. Technically he is an actor, singer/songwriter, comedian and puppeteer. Energetically; a beacon of soft glowing encouragement for the human spirit. Hart speaks fluently the universal language of humor in order to enlighten enraptured listeners with the fruits of a lifetime of strange and beautiful happenings and rare firsthand insights into extraterrestrial affairs. Paying homage to Liebe Hart and facilitating a clear psychic pathway through which he may give his very best performance are Buffalo’s own David Liebe Hart Tribute Band; a small collective of world-rate poet-musicians with an undying love for whom they refer to as “Father David.”



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Mohawk Place

47 E Mohawk St.
Buffalo, NY
Phone: (716) 312-9279