
Beauty Pill

[INDIE] Ongoing personnel changes marked the pair of EPs and singular full length from DC’s Beauty Pill during their initial push in the early-mid 2000s, but nothing derailed things quite like focal point Chad Clark’s bout with viral cardiomyopathy. 10 years and a few surgeries since the band’s last release, Clark and company return with Beauty Pill Describes Things As They Are, a wild, shapeshifting art-pop ride that makes good on the promise alluded to on 2004’s The Unsustainable Lifestyle. A visionary talent, Clark seems to instinctively understand the mechanics of pop music—it’s an asset that allows him to play with the form, pushing at its edges and deviating from the template without losing the plot altogether. The results are compelling and rife with experimentation—often surprising, at turns pretty and jarring, but never boring. It’s just what you’d expect from an album that begins with the line, “I want more life, Fucker!” Currently a five-piece, Beauty Pill comes to Mohawk Place on Friday, June 12 with Lips and Returners.



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Mohawk Place

47 E Mohawk St.
Buffalo, NY
Phone: (716) 312-9279