Pigeon Sells His Condo from San Diego
Here’s a curiosity: This week, Steve Pigeon—the political con man under indictment in Erie County for bribing a state Supreme Court judge—signed a form in San Diego granting power of attorney to his sidekick, Kristy Mazurek. Mazurek, who is running a weird and hopeless campaign for state Assembly, will help Pigeon close on the sale of his condominium in Admiral’s Walk, on Buffalo’s waterfront.
Here’s the document:
The power of attorney was filed with the Erie County Clerk’s office on Wednesday, August 24.
Pigeon is selling unit 704 to Bryan Caputi of East Aurora. Caputi wrote a check for $362,546.66 top purchase the property in January, after the closing date had been postponed four times. Caputi then sued Pigeon, claiming that Pigeon had failed to provide “satisfactory deed and title” and asking Pigeon to complete the contract and/or pay damages. Apparently they figured out a way to get it done, despite the substantial tax liens (at least $270,000) attached to Pigeon.