Feature Friday by Rise Collaborative
Editor’s note: Each week Buffalo lifestyle brand Rise Collaborative scour Instagram for their favorite locally sourced images. Each Friday we at The Public will feature a few of their favorites, along with a little bit of info from the photographers themselves. To submit your Instagram photo use the hashtag #FFRisePublic.
1. @kahawa — Chris Hawley, City of Buffalo Planner
Hawley played host to a number of Torontonians attending the Visioning Session & Mentor Engagement at the Design Innovation Garage on Saturday, April 11. He guided them on a tour at Silo City and Larkinville, with dinner at the Hydraulic Hearth. Organizers and attendees included: Jonathan McNeice- Healthy Communities Planner, Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus Aurelia Dalinda- Senior Project Manager, Evergreen & Lead Organizer 100 in 1 Day Toronto Andrew Park- Research Consultant, Food Spokes Michelle Senayah- Principal, Senayah Design Denise Pinto- Global Director, Jane’s Walk Caitlin Cassie- Associate, ThinkFresh Group Howard Tam- Principal, ThinkFresh Group Waeza Afzal- Associate, ThinkFresh Group
2. @notdanradcliffe – Is indeed not Daniel Radcliffe. Instead he is local photographer Dan Radwan. We saw what looked like a kayak trip through the Canadian arctic and reached out to see what the hell Dan was doing.
“I’m a Buffalo native and a 2013 graduate of Canisius College. I’ve got a knack for small adventure and I love doing landscape and urban photography. Alyssa Wahl (@awahl88) Ryan Couell (@ryancouell / paddle2o) and Dan Matuszak and I launched from 18 Mile Creek on Sunday to a lake like glass. It was about a 45 minute paddle to get to the ice sheet. We hung out and the edge for a bit, then we were navigated into the ice, and found a lagoon of sorts where there was absolutely no movement at all. It was pretty cool, the silence and the stillness out there, completely removed from everything. It was definitely a great way to ring in spring and summer.”
3. @redfishart – Local artist Alix Martin was traveling and caught an image of an awesome message.
“I took the ‘You’ve Changed’ pic up in Toronto this weekend across the street from the gallery I’m showing at. Sorry it’s not a BFLO shot although I thought it would be a great mural for downtown buffalo! Very fitting.”
4. @jilleatsapples – Buffalo designer Jill Greenberg took one here that we didn’t know if it was real or fake, a photo or a drawing.
“I’m a designer who collects typography inspiration at @fifthsignstudio and am in the process of setting up an Etsy shop with my own designs. My day job is in real estate, which aligns with my love for design and conceptual interest in public and private space. This IG was taken on a visit to NJ at World of Wings, which features birds, butterflies, and reptials. This is a skylight so I was looking straight up! I believe it’s a design made of butterfly decals. I’m a sucker for a silhouette.”
5. @artishy – Buffalo photographer Stephanie Dubin is one of our favorite accounts to follow for her angles, edits, and fun in her photos. Like @jilleatsapples, we too are suckers for silhouettes and wanted to know more about this shot.
“I try to see the beauty in the every day. I view my work as fun, creative, and colorful. Buffalo has been recently blessed with beautiful foggy, spring days. I spent a lot of time shooting the hazy buildings in the sky, but I wanted something more minimalistic and dramatic. This image was created from a rooftop downtown, shot on a tripod with a remote shutter trigger.”
Click here to see more of Stephanie’s work.