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published on Feb. 26, 2018 11pm

Body Buzz is dedicated to bringing you the best in life with an eye toward sustainability, and few things embody those ideals better than the Mercedes Benz W123 series, a platform for their lower-priced executive cars from 1976-1985.

published on Apr. 11, 2018 4am

The lawyer might one day regret emulating his near-namesake.

published on Jan. 23, 2017 2pm

It was, amongst other statements on a growing list, Trump’s documented pussy-grabbing boast and his “such a nasty woman” comment-turned-meme about Hillary Clinton that began propelling citizens from revulsion to activism in 2016.

published on Sep. 14, 2016 12am

For an art project on Lily Dale, a small town in Chautauqua County founded in 1879 as a home to the American Spiritualist movement, the virtual reality collective known as Flatsitter conducted interviews with nine mediums from Lily Dale.
