
Pinkerton 20th Anniversary Show

[ROCK] Weezer’s Pinkerton was the 1996 exploration of isolation and identity crisis by Weezer’s lead man, Rivers Cuomo. Ahead of its time, Pinkerton at first received mixed reviews but went on to achieve cult status after the 2010 “Deluxe Edition” reissue. Dukes Bohemian Grove Bar will cater to this particular brand of Weezer fan this Friday night with the album’s 20th anniversary show. The album will be covered front to back by members of Rochester acts Pleistocene, Talking Under Water, The Ginger Faye Bakers, FM Green, and Down to Earth Approach. The event is coupled with Buffalo’s Hundred Plus Club’s album release show and the early 2000s era emo band Cooler will open up the show.



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253 Allen St
Buffalo, NY