Yo La Tengo
[INDIE] It’s the dawn of another autumn in Buffalo. For some of us, these first wafts of sweater weather awaken the slumbering dog of deepest feeling, breathing inspiration and new life into our warm blood. We are the harvest celebrators; the red, brown, and golden souls whose eternal spring is the narrow passage between sunlit mania and the aching malaise of brutal hibernation. Our window is brief, and we must make the most of it; drinking from every gourd and cornucopia, gazing with an unquenchable desire into the glowing forested tapestry of colors, and absorbing the loving sounds of Yo La Tengo, this Thursday, September 13 at Asbury Hall.
Lush and rumbling, Yo La Tengo have been performing together with their present lineup since 1992, and are continually growing and evolving together as a band. As a trio, their sound is so full that the blind might think that they were hearing an entire international softcore philharmonic orchestra covering the words of Ira Glass with string flutes. According to one longtime fan of the band, “neither bathing nor lucid dreaming comes near to the blissed out experience of a really good YLT show.”
Their music is for those who are suspect of the mind’s spidery chattering; for those whose mantra is a magic hum that can’t be seen. If you plan to dance, then bring your slippers; if you plan to trip, come dressed in creams. Before the daylight shrinks into glimpses, come taste the sounds of autumn’s dream.
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