
Pigeons Playing Ping Pong

[JAM] Have you ever noticed that jam band enthusiasts seem less weighed down than the rest of us? It could just be the copious cannabis, but many a seasoned smoker will tell you that too much of a good thing can lead to a sort of “baked psychosis”—waffling and apathy. Haters gonna hate, but the music plays an important role in that wow-man-jam-band energy, feeding off of vibes that are perpetuated by a combination of improv skills, cooperative crowd spirit and, yes, good herb.  The Baltimore-based quartet Pigeons Playing Ping Pong —who’ll play at Town Ballroom on Thursday, August 31 — add a layer of quirk and humor to the equation (not unlike others that have come before them, Phish – particularly early Phish — included), and it’s a winning combo that keeps the band booked for upwards of 200 gigs a year. What’s more, the high energy translates onto their recordings. Last year’s Pizazz is heavily steeped in the white-boy funk that makes The Flock (a nickname for diehard fans) flap with fervor, but it keeps the tracks clipped to reasonable lengths, leaving the meandering for the live set where it belongs. There’s a tongue-in-cheek hilarity to the way front man Greg Ormont delivers overconfident assertions like “We put the fun in funk/It’s stanky like a skunk,” and  ”Baby – I’ve got something for ya,” with a tone of bald-faced libido. It turns the serious soul-man bravado of James Brown on its head, while also reminding us not to take ourselves quite so seriously at a time when, apparently, we’re all busy doing so. Maybe The Flock is onto something. See if you don’t feel a little lighter afterwards.



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Town Ballroom

681 Main St.
Buffalo, NY
Phone: 716-852-3900