
The Body with Full of Hell

[METAL] For the last 10 years, Thrill Jockey Records duo the Body have been creating music that can be described as nothing less than crushing—emotionally and sonically. “They’re also one of the loudest bands I’ve ever seen,” says Andy Czuba, promoter and a satellite member of hardcore punk band Full of Hell. The Body’s latest full length record, 2013’s Christ, Redeemers is challenging, to say the least. The Providence, Rhode Island-based duo—drummer Lee Buford and guitarist Chip King—excel at creating barbarous music that exists at the outer edges of metal where experimental noise environments collide with grandiose, sludge-metal arrangements. The Body will join Full of Hell; experimental metal super-collaboration Gas Chamber/Cages; British hardcore band, the Flex; Washington D.C.’s Red Death, and Rochester doom-metal band Black Houses for a show at Sugar City on Thursday, May 14. 



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Sugar City

1239 Niagara St.
Buffalo, NY