
Opening Reception: Megan Conley and Stacey Robinson
[ART] This Friday, March 27 the art community is in for a special treat, with a double opening of new work (thesis exhibitions) by MFA candidates from UB, Megan Conley and Stacey Robinson. Having met both recently, I can tell you that their heart and soul was poured into the creation of this work, and after many, many hours of devoted labor, they are ready to present to the world the final state of their graduate trials. Conley’s work is properly titled, Assemblage, which is composed of a multimedia installation deconstructing and restructuring of her identity through methodical mapping of the self. In the other gallery, Robinson’s Binary ConScience, explores the doubleness of consciousness through his personal, post-modern lens—paying tribute to the rational of W.E.B. Du Bois.
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