Black Dots Record Store Is A Punk Rock Paradise
If you’ve stumbled into Black Dots, the basement record store on Grant Street specializing in hardcore and punk music, you’ve probably realized this place is a paradise for the punx. For what it’s worth, they probably have the largest selection of hardcore music on cassette tape in town, and a bunch of gems on vinyl too. I’ve quickly become a fan of the Black Dots Instagram feed, on which they post photos of their latest releases and the occasional chili cheese dog. If you haven’t been to this hidden gem yet, I highly suggest you check out one of their occasional basement shows. The next is this Sunday, November 23 with faded indie rockers Del Paxton. I presume you’ll be able to pick up a 150 gram, 45 RPM vinyl record version of Del Paxton’s latest, Worst. Summer. Ever., while your’re there as well.
223 Lafayette Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14213