
Is Mad Max running for office in Kenmore?

by / Oct. 28, 2015 12pm EST

This sign in the grass in front of the former Budwey’s Market on Kenmore Avenue looks like any of a number of the vote-for-my-guy signs that litter the roadsides this time of year. But while even most fans of the movies wouldn’t know it, “Max Rockatansky” is the full name of the title character in the Mad Max movies, originally played by Mel Gibson and most recently by Tom Hardy.

What gives? Has anyone seen more of these signs? Someone paid some money to have this one printed. And while “a man of action” is a popular enough political claim, the sign doesn’t specify a position that Mr. Rockatansky might be seeking.

Let us know if you have any further details on Mr. Rockatansky in the comments below!