According to Google "Frightgeist" the Most Popular Halloween Costumes in Buffalo Are...
Google recently launched a Halloween themed feature called Frightgeist. The web tool allows users to search the most popular Halloween costumes by city. To predict which costumes will be most popular, it analyzes Google searchs with the word “costume” in them. It’s pretty simple, but fun to search through.
Naturally, the first thing we did was click on the pale green dot that hovers over Western New York. Here are the results:
5. The Flash
4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
3. Harley Quinn
2. Superhero
1. Star Wars
Basically, if you’re planning on going as any of the costumes listed above, there is a good chance you’ll run into someone with the same costume on. Though “Star Wars” and “Superhero” are pretty broad costumes, the lesson here is to think for yourself and be original. Our suggestions for original costumes include Undead Rick James, the hot dog from the Dog é Style Logo, Faul McCartney, or, as a team costume, the Human Centipede.