
Our Outer Harbor Coalition to Hold Public Meeting

by / Sep. 23, 2016 12pm EST

The Our Outer Harbor Coalition (www.ourouterharbor.org) will be hosting a public meeting on Wednesday September 28, 2016 regarding engaging the broader public on issues about Buffalo’s Outer Harbor’s use and development. The meeting is free, and open to the public. Bring your friends, family, colleagues, and ideas and comments!

The independent coaltion has formed in order to bring issues and ideas before the public, and to continue to engage the public and seek ideas in the face of decisions that may not reflect public ideas.

Members of the Growing Coalition can be found on this page (Click here

The public meeting will begin at 7pm at Riverworks, 359 Ganson Street, Buffalo. Riverworks was chosen because of its location near the Buffalo Outer Harbor.

Riverworks (Click Here)

The public meeting will be preceded by a guided tour of the Outer Harbor which will begin at 5:00pm, at the gate to Times Beach Nature Preserve, which is just adjacent to Wilkeson Point Park.

Our Outer Harbor on Facebook (Click Here)

Sign the Petition (Click Here)