
ASI Candidate Surveys: Niagara Falls Office-seekers on Arts and the Community

by / Sep. 9, 2015 8am EST

Each election cycle, Arts Service Initiative of Western New York poses a series of questions to candidates for elected office across the region, focusing on the legislative and executive branches. The survey begins with fuve questions asked of all candidates, followed by questions specific to the office they seek; the survey focuses on the role of the arts in public life and educations and the role that government and community play in supporting the arts. 

The following are candidates for Niagara Falls mayor and City Council participating in primary races in Erie County on Thursday, September 10. The responses are entirely unedited.


PAUL DYSTER, Democratic

1. Please list your top three priorities if elected: 

1. Continue to create a seamless interface between the City and its waterfront, notably by removal of sections of the Robert Moses “Parkway,” and their replacement by actual parkland.  

2. Get more of the 8 million visitors who come to NF to stay longer and spend more money by exposing them to our region’s rich historical, cultural and natural resources.  

3. Leverage Niagara hydropower to create additional investment and jobs in the burgeoning renewable energy sector (e.g., solar), creating “Greentech” jobs to replace those lost in the late-20th Century collapse of our region’s traditional heavy industries.

2. What is the role of arts and culture in our community in general, and specifically in Niagara Falls?
Tourism is a key industry cluster identified in our Regional Economic Development Plan. From Sharkgirl to the Albright-Knox, & the Sportsmen’s Tavern to the BPO, our rich cultural scene is important both in promoting our region to visitors, and in establishing our WNY identity.  #LiveNF has been a rallying point in NF for progressive young people looking to make a change.  As a founder and past president of the Niagara Arts & Cultural Center (theNACC.org) and past board member of Advancing Arts & Culture Buffalo-Niagara, I have devoted my time and effort to promoting the arts, and advocating for arts, cultural & heritage tourism funding.

3. What is the role of arts and culture in your plans for economic development in Niagara Falls?
I will continue to advocate for the NACC as our anchor institution in the City, assisting with capital projects like the theater restoration, as in the past I have helped secure funding for the roof restoration and access improvements. I will continue to promote the local music scene through events like the Niagara Falls Music & Art Festival and the Niagara Falls Blues Festival, which originated during my time in office.  I will implement plans for a public art project at Centennial Circle, and seek to incorporate some public art component into all new infrastructure projects. Arts jobs are real jobs, economic development people!

4. How would you develop cultural and heritage tourism in Niagara Falls?
I will continue projects to reverse the ill-effects of urban renewal, and restore public waterfront access through expansion of Olmsted parks, creating a more attractive aesthetic for the City.  I will promote our new Underground Railroad Interpretive Center (opens in the spring), advocate for a new Tesla museum, and continue efforts to relocate, interpret and celebrate the iconic Old Stone Chimney.  As a board member of the Niagara Tourism & Convention Corporation, I will ensure we promote our cultural and heritage assets as a key part of our strategy to expand visitor stays in our city & region.

5. In what ways would you support young people’s access to the arts in order to foster the creative thinking skills needed to ensure a solid future workforce in Niagara Falls?
I have promoted youth programming through the NACC, and promoted arts education in our local school system by supporting the efforts of progressive local arts teachers like Rob Lynch to actively engage students in projects like street murals that promote both arts literacy and civic pride.  We are seeking to promote more activity by Young Audiences WNY in Niagara Falls, and through Global Spectrum brought Shakespeare vignettes to Old Falls Street.  August 22nd, we had our annual “Dance of the Fireflies” event, combining art, dance, storytelling, environmental awareness & children’s literature.

6. Now that casino revenues have been reinstated, going forward what are your top three priorities for use of that money?
Top priority for casino revenues at first was the City’s crumbling infrastructure; still a priority, but much progress has been made paving streets and renovating public buildings, from fire halls to ice rinks.  The highest best use of casino revenues should always be to invest them in economic development projects that will grow the future tax base—since casino revenues in the long term are less predictable than property tax or even bed tax or sales tax revenues, and we need revenues to pay our workers who deliver vital services.  Finally, direct investment in improved quality of life—e.g. parks & playgrounds—makes peoples’ lives better.

7. Would you support the creation of a merit-based application and review process for allocation of funding to cultural organizations in Niagara Falls?
In NF, we already use an intensive participatory budgeting process to allocate Community Development funding, and are expanding it to include allocation of funds to parks projects starting next year.  The largest single recurring arts & culture-related expenditure in the NF budget is a $30k allocation to the NACC for provision of general arts & cultural programming & support; I will support its continuation.  I will also support creation of a public art fund to be allocated through participatory budgeting, and legislation to require a public art component in all public & publicly-assisted private infrastructure projects.


1. Please list your top three priorities if elected:
Its hard to list the top three because each priority is interdependent on the other. If I had to say anything I would say my top priority would be to improve the quality of life. Under that main heading I would have to save eliminating blight (in and of itself a detailed set of initiatives), aggressively seeking private partnerships in developing tourist attractiins, white collar industry such as finance, insurance, and banking, and fulfilling the goals set out in the city’s 2009 Comprehensive Plan which clearly includes investments in the arts with a theater by the gorge.

2. What is the role of arts and culture in our community in general, and specifically in Niagara Falls?
The arts and culture, in all forms, art, music, dance, theater, poetry, all play a pivotal role in any civilized society. Its absence creates a vacuum in the soul of man. Niagara Falls is in desperate need of serious cultural venues.  It is starving for quality exhibits and performances. They feed the imagination, keep the past alive, and they encourage and inspire future artists to perpetuate the circle.

3. What is the role of arts and culture in your plans for economic development in Niagara Falls?
The role of arts and culture is crucial to bringing in well-heeled, educated professionals. One of the short-comings in Niagara Falls is the lack of quality exhibits and performances. The saying, If you build it, they will come. was never a more appropriate phrase than for Niagara Falls. People come from Sanborn, Wheatfield, Lewiston, Youngstown, New Fane just to listen to local bands in the citys parks. Imagine how far they would come for a professional performance of the Nutcracker, a musical, or larger scale popular band. The Castelani Art Museum only scratches the surface. We need to encourage expansion of our local art. And lets not forget our rich history and the interest people have in experiencing it. And of the mixed and diverse groups of people who grew Niagara Falls to over 100,000 peoplethe Italians, the Poles, the Irish, and the African Americans from the deep south. When people come to experience the arts they often dine, shop, consider living near it.

4. How would you develop cultural and heritage tourism in Niagara Falls?
I would reach out to our neighbors and form partnerships to take advantage of all the regions resources. This would include emphasis on ecological aspects, what nature offers and exploit the potential for adventure. Our area is rich in hunting and fishing featuring some of the largest fresh water lakes and rivers anywhere. Restoration and preservation of historic buildings. And whenever new construction is the only solution to preserve the look and feel of the citys past. 

5. In what ways would you support young people’s access to the arts in order to foster the creative thinking skills needed to ensure a solid future workforce in Niagara Falls?
I love this one. I would piggy back off the notion of a business incubator only for creatives. People are at there most creative in their youth. I would like to create a space for them to congregate, where they would work on their specialties like writing, painting, graphic arts, web design, videography, film. I would see that grants were written and money found to fund advisors who would help these creatives find markets for their work, much like a business incubator. 

6. Now that casino revenues have been reinstated, going forward what are your top three priorities for use of that money?
I have to be honest. A portion of this money must be spent on the 2009 Comprehenisve Plan to revitalize the decrepit condition of the core of the city, “Because downtowns are the heart of a city and region and having a healthy heart is essential to having a strong city and region. We cant hope to bring arts and culture into an area where people feel unsafe. But I also believe that we can walk and chew gum at the same time meaning we can work to create the synergistic partnerships needed to advance the arts in downtown Niagara Falls while working on imoribimg the infrastucture mentiined. As partners see the city set the stage to welcome the arts then I we would take the next step and ear mark money for those partnerships. 

7. Would you support the creation of a merit-based application and review process for allocation of funding to cultural organizations in Niagara Falls?
Yes, I would support a merit-based application and review process for allocation of funding to cultural organizations. I believe in creating a budget, in advance, that organizations could plan on. I also believe that these merit based recipients need to know that they can count on funds for a set number of years to fully realize their goals. I believe that we need to look to long term results and that cant be done with the Sword of Damocles hanging over their head on a yearly basis. It takes time to build an institution. 

GLENN CHOOLOKIAN did not respond to this survey

JAMES SZWEDO did not respond to this survey.

JOHN ACCARDO did not respond to this survey.


ALICIA LAIBLE, Democratic, Working Familes

1. Please list your top three priorities if elected: 

1. Work to adopt smart budgeting practices, carefully measuring service outcomes and expenses, to do more with less. 

2. Fight for improvements to our city’s infrastructure, making sure that the condition of our roads, sidewalks and parks keep pace with new economic development and encourage tourism and investment. 

3. Promote communication between elected officials, the community and the people who affect the daily life in our city. 

2. What is the role of arts and culture in our community in general, and specifically in Niagara Falls?
The revitalization of any city on the cusp of a renaissance holds powerful roots within its arts and culture sectors. It is a means to connect citizens and further establish a sense of community. Whether it be music, dance, poetry, cinema or painting, it gives everyone an opportunity to let their ideas be communicated. The arts allow the Niagara Falls community an outlet, a way to become culturally diverse and positively responsive towards our environment. In Niagara Falls the arts have become a way for residents to show they are committed to community development and improvement. 

3. What is the role of arts and culture in your plans for economic development in Niagara Falls?
Niagara Falls has many gifted and dedicated artists ready to serve their community. I will advocate for local businesses to utilize their homegrown talent base for advertisement, artwork, music etc. which means more money invested back into the local economy. Art improves the aesthetics of a city and encourages tourists to venture out from the park to support family friendly restaurants, stores, and boutiques in areas like Main St. and Buffalo Ave. I would also advocate for opportunities to host film productions, which can be very lucrative for a community by not only generating excitement and press but capital as well. 

4. How would you develop cultural and heritage tourism in Niagara Falls?
I believe the creation of an art, cultural and heritage commission would benefit not only those involved within these sectors but the community as well. By creating an assigned commission and board we could alleviate funding issues and generate a central location for all parties involved to better interconnect. A commission will allow events to be better advertised and ideas within each subdivision to grow by means of our community members as well as through tourists. 

5. In what ways would you support young people’s access to the arts in order to foster the creative thinking skills needed to ensure a solid future workforce in Niagara Falls?
Arts education in Niagara Falls has fallen behind, not at the hand of teachers but due to budgetary constraints. Many Art instructors no longer have a classroom and are working within a $100 a year budget. The financial situation in Niagara Falls is dire and it is important for us to be conscious of where every penny is being allocated. However, we need to find a balance between being conservative and investing in our youth and thus our future. 

6. Now that casino revenues have been reinstated, going forward what are your top three priorities for use of that money?
My first priority would be to allocate additional funds to fix and replace aging infrastructure. We have to ensure safe roads and functioning water lines to support efforts such as the Music and Arts Festival or future movie productions. Second, I would give priority to projects that are self-sustaining and demonstrate an ability for independent revenue growth without the need for continued public funding. Third, I would use casino revenue to invest in community development initiatives that will provide long term economic growth and stability for the city.   

7. Would you support the creation of a merit-based application and review process for allocation of funding to cultural organizations in Niagara Falls?
Yes. As noted we are in a difficult financial situation. We need to find a balance between taking care of our basic needs as a city, funding necessary services and continued economic development. We should review each request carefully and include community input for future projects. 

EZRA SCOTT, Democratic, Working Familes

1. Please list your top three priorities if elected: 

1. Maximizing use of the buffalo billion and exploring all funding options to continue the economic development in our city. 

2. Investing in our city’s infrastructure. 

3. Reform and enforce the housing codes that will protect our neighborhoods.   

2. What is the role of arts and culture in our community in general, and specifically in Niagara Falls?
Arts and cultural activities help people think outside the box, challenge themselves by doing and listening to new things, and ultimately creating their own success and pushing our community forward. You see all of the positive growth in our region, and must say to some degree say that arts and culture contributed to it with all of the live concerts and festivals around WNY. Lately in Niagara Falls we’ve been seeing a growing interest in people to get involved and stay active in the community. Just stop out to a Pints for Progress or mark your calendar for any number of the festivals that take place in the city. The more we see people getting involved and taking in interest in the arts we will have a more connected and protected city. 

3. What is the role of arts and culture in your plans for economic development in Niagara Falls?
If you take a look at any growing city, no doubt there is a thriving art and culture scene. Whether its live music, art, photography, or theatre, its these individuals that push the envelope and form the culture of a city. These people need a seat at the table. We’ve got a lot of good things happening around here, and we need to embrace it. Niagara Falls has so many talented people, the investment needs to continue to grow in youth programs and to provide opportunities for artists to do what they love and ensure we have a steady flow of newcomers.

4. How would you develop cultural and heritage tourism in Niagara Falls?
Anything that we do in Niagara Falls starts with the local people. I know I don’t have the answers to everything, but the people that have invested years of their life to understanding the history and culture of our city probably have some good ideas to put forward. One option I can think of to help is get our city and its residents more connected to the process, we need to find them and support their ideas to enhance cultural and heritage tourism.

5. In what ways would you support young people’s access to the arts in order to foster the creative thinking skills needed to ensure a solid future workforce in Niagara Falls?
As a teacher and a former athlete, I know the importance of young people staying active and being involved in their community.  One of the major hubs we have in Niagara Falls, the NACC, does some really great things. I know many people that take music lessons, attend workshops, and concerts there. Maintaining funding to existing programs and creating new opportunities at the NACC, and to other organizations, is crucial to producing well-rounded individuals in our community. 

6. Now that casino revenues have been reinstated, going forward what are your top three priorities for use of that money? 

1. Rebuilding our city streets, water lines, and addressing infrastructure needs

2. Support economic development initiatives that will have long term benefits for entire city

3. Utilizing a portion of this money as a participatory budgeting process where the community decides how to spend taxpayer dollars in their own neighborhoods.

7. Would you support the creation of a merit-based application and review process for allocation of funding to cultural organizations in Niagara Falls?
Absolutely.  Ensuring that the cultural organizations are funded appropriately is a no brainer and providing additional funding should be tied to merit. 

ROBERT ANDERSON did not respond to this survey.

RICHARD SMITH did not respond to this survey.

Next up: Niagara County primary candidates.