Infringement Spotlight: Amy Lynn Duengfelder
Name: Amy Lynn Duengfelder
Age: 28
Describe what you will do this year as part of Infringement Festival.
Cat McCarthy and I make up the Visual Arts team for the festival. Together, we coordinate the artists and pick venues for them to exhibit at, whether it be a traditional gallery, coffee shop/restaurant, or even someone’s front lawn! This year, I have some small paintings of cats that will be at Perk’s Café and Market and larger collage pieces that will be at Allentown Pizza.
What inspires you to create your art?
I’m not sure how to accurately describe it, but sometimes I get an idea and it bothers me until I can get it down on paper or canvas, like a nagging at the corner of my mind.
What’s the strangest thing you’ve done in the name of art?
There was a performance during Infringement called “Dazzlingly Inappropriate” put on by two of my friends, who asked me to draw a paper dildo. It was basically a large coloring sheet with a cartoon penis as a paper doll that had little clothes and accessories. I sat at the door to their show and handed them out!
Describe your favorite Infringement moment in past years events.
It may sound cheesy, but my favorite part of each year is when the festival starts and I can see all the organizers’ hard work come together. I especially love being able to walk into many venues during the fest and see the artwork that I help put there!