
Centerfold: Get Married

by / Jul. 1, 2015 12am EST

THE GAME OF LIFE: GET MARRIED / JOSEPH RADOCCIA’s diptych is part of the SAMESEX 2015 exhibit at Bridgeport, Connecticut’s City Lights Gallery, opening July 9.

The Game of Life: Get Married

A significant part of my youth in the 1970’s was spent playing board games with family and friends. The favorite was The Game of LIFE. Moving along the game board simulated a person’s journey through life from college to retirement. A mandatory stop along this path was the Get Married space where you were sent to the church and required to add a spouse peg to your car.

Each time I reached for the little pink peg and stuck it in the car next to my blue one, my heart privately sank with the lesson that living this lie was the only way to win at the game of LIFE. 

My diptych, The Game of LIFE, Get Married, comprised of Get Married Pink, and Get Married Blue, is my reclaiming and healing of that moment. The long awaited marriage of two pink pegs side by side, and two blue pegs side by side.

Joseph Radoccia, 2015

View more work by Joseph Radoccia