Lucky the Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Photo selfie by JBurney
Lucky the Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Photo selfie by JBurney

GreenWatch Sunday Morning Television Doug Tallamy

by / Jun. 19, 2016 10am EST

A few weeks back on May 10,  noted author Doug Tallamy spoke as part of the Western New York Land Conservancy’s Speaker Series.

The lecture was called Rebuilding Nature’s Relationships at Home, Tallamy’s most popular book, Bringing Nature Home, How you Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants is one of the most important books about native plants and their support and benefit of localized habitat and wildlife populations including birds, insects and other pollinators, amphibians, and the biodiversity that makes for a healthy ecological world. Tallamy’s lecture helps us to focus on the importance of using native plants in our yards and community spaces.

Click on This link to the 1 hour long lecture that he presented at the UB Center for the Arts.

It is riviting, entertaining, and may change your perspective on nature and how we use our personal lands and yards.

Sponsored by the Western New York Land Conservancy and Applied Ecological Services, Inc.; Bernadette Clabeaux, Ph. D.; Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper; East Aurora Garden Club; Eastern Monarch Butterfly Farm; Ecology & Environment; Grassroots Gardens; Joy Kuebler Landscape Architect PC; The Knoer Group; Lessons from Nature Garden Consulting; Lumiflux Media; Nature Sanctuary Society of WNY; Paul Fuhrmann; Sierra Club Niagara Group; Tifft Nature Preserve and the Buffalo Museum of Science; Wild Birds Unlimited; and WNY Environmental Alliance Habitat Work Group.

Sunday Morning Television is brought to you by GreenWatch, The Public, and the Friends of Times Beach Nature Preserve.  

Sunday Morning Television videos produced and photographed by Jay Burney. 

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See our archive of Sunday Morning Videos. 

The Friends of Times Beach Nature Preserve is a Buffalo based organization dedicated to preserving and educating about critical habitat and species in the Great Lakes and at the downtown shoreline Buffalo preserve.