GreenWatch Sunday TV- Springing into Spring
Do not be a gloomy Giuseppe! Sure its been raining for days on end, with low clouds, rising waters and temperatures that may bring a bit of slushy snow today-BUT- As sure as the sun travels around the earth, and as sure as the world holds democratic elections, and as sure as the climate remains stteaddy- Spring is here! Summer will be here soon also. Believe me. We are already weiners. This will be the best summer ever. Together will make summer great again.
Todays Sunday TV is about birds. What do you expect from me?
This is a short film with footage of newly arriving avian friends that delightfully populate our skies, shorelines, forests, and yards this time of the year. They are happy, they are singing, they are alive!
The birds in this video are among the first to show off in the spring. Soon a wave of immigrants from Central and South America will make their way across the many boarders that seperate Western New York and the Great Lakes from the rest of the world. All of these birds are engaged in an annual celebration of life! They are singing, prancing, creating some territory, and in the case of a couple of the birds in this video, celebrating the brand new life that they have successfully brought to our region. Its time to Spring into Spring. Soon the sun will return.
The video was shot at two locations. Bennett Beach, an Erie County Park located on the sandy Lake Erie shoreline in Angola, and Forest Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo.