Public Television: Frozen Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls is a world-class waterfall year round, but winter’s bite transforms it into a breathtaking blend of frozen cascade and gigantic icy boulders, often resembling stalactites and a glacier lumbering toward Lake Ontario through a gassy geyser field. All that and its sheer size make it an ideal subject for a “Moment of Nature” with which to end CBS Sunday Morning, one of the last soft news magazine programs left on TV. This was the third time I’ve been able to feature the falls in winter for CBS Sunday Morning, and hopefully won’t be the last. —CARL MROZEK
Carl Mrozek has been a contributing videographer to CBS Sunday Morning and other news programs for more than two decades, and has produced and contributed to many nature documentaries and series on PBS, National Geographic, Discovery, and Animal Planet. Contact him at