Buffalo Is Canceled: Sage Enderton
For our special blizzard-impacted issue, we asked the community for wide-ranging responses to a general question: “Where is Buffalo now?” Below is one such submission.
frostbite as poem
i am whole but the body always remembers
what it means to be incomplete
and no amount of snow can cushion
the blow of yourself
and the lost fragments
they expect you to find.
there is always the promise of new body
until you forget what it means to heal
and you lose who you were
under possession of wind
under guise of storm
that assures rebirth.
maybe adam was a piece of our breastbone
and this blizzard is how we forget
covering lies which cover truth which cover
you and the voice you forgot you had and
the voice i forgot i had
swept away as a whisper by tempest’s hands.
If you’d like to submit an answer to our question to our readers—”Where is Buffalo now?”—email your response, in whatever form it might take, to info@dailypublic.com.